next的翻译 next的翻译是什么

next的翻译 next的翻译是什么


next的意思是:adj.下一个的;其次的;隔壁的;adv.其次;下次;然后;n.下一个;prep.靠近。next的详尽释义是adj.(形容词)下一个的,下一班的,紧接(随)在后的,紧接着的,接下去的,接下来的,居后的,随后的次于的,其次的隔壁的下次的最近的任何别的以后的,今后的。next的例句是用作形容词(adj.)If I miss this train I’ll catch the next one.如果我错过了这班火车,就赶乘下一班。


adj.(形容词)下一个的,下一班的,紧接(随)在后的,紧接着的,接下去的,接下来的,居后的,随后的次于的,其次的隔壁的下次的最近的任何别的以后的,今后的adv.(副词)然后,随后,居后地下(一)次接下去,紧接着,下一步,接下来次于,第二,其次,仅次于…依次用于询问,表示吃惊或困惑贴近,最近地旁的n.(名词)下一个人,下一位,下一件prep.(介词)靠近(…),贴近(…),最近于…,靠…的,在…旁居于…之后,紧接着次于,在…之次在…的隔壁时而abbr.(缩略词)=Near End Crosstalk,近端串扰(音)


Adjective:immediately following in time or order;

“the following day””next in line””the next president””the next item on the list”

nearest in space or position; immediately adjoining without intervening space;

“had adjacent rooms””in the next room””the person sitting next to me””our rooms were side by side”

(of elected officers) elected but not yet serving;

“our next president”

Adverb:at the time or occasion immediately following;

“next the doctor examined his back”


1.紧接在后的;接下去的Thenext period of time, event, person, or thing is the one that comes immediately after the present one or after the previous one.

e.g. I got up early thenext morning.第二天早晨我早早地起床了。e.g. …thenext available flight…下一趟可搭乘的航班

2.紧接在后的;下一个的You usenext in expressions such asnext Friday ,next day andnext year to refer, for example, to the first Friday, day, or year that comes after the present or previous one.

e.g. Let’s plan a big nightnext week…我们下周组织一次盛大的晚会吧。e.g. He retiresnext January…他明年一月退休。

3.紧邻的;贴近的The next place or person is the one that is nearest to you or that is the first one that you come to.

e.g. Grace sighed so heavily that Trish could hear it in thenext room…格雷斯重重的叹息声连隔壁房间的特里斯都能听见。e.g. The man in thenext chair was asleep…邻座的男士睡着了。

4.接着;随后The thing that happensnext is the thing that happens immediately after something else.

e.g. Next, close your eyes then screw them up tight…接着,合上双眼,然后再用力闭紧。e.g. I don’t know what to donext…我不知道接着该干什么了。

5.又一次;再次When younext do something, you do it for the first time since you last did it.

e.g. Inext saw him at his house in Berkshire…我在伯克郡他的家中再次见到了他。e.g. When wenext met, he was much more jovial.我们再次见面时,他愉快多了。

6.仅次于…的;第二…的You usenext to say that something has more of a particular quality than all other things except one. For example, the thing that isnext best is the one that is the best except for one other thing.

e.g. The one thing he didn’t have was a son. I think he’s felt that a grandson is thenext best thing…他唯一缺的就是个儿子,我想他觉得有个外孙也不错。e.g. At least three times more daffodils are grown than in Holland, thenext largest grower.水仙花的栽培量至少是第二种植大国荷兰的3倍。

7.再下(周);下下(周)You useafter next in expressions such asthe week after next to refer to a period of time after the next one. For example, when it is May, the month after next is July.

e.g. …the party’s annual conference, to be held in Bournemouth the week afternext.下下周在伯恩茅斯举行的该党年会

8.跟别人一样If you say that you do something or experience something as muchas the next person, you mean that you are no different from anyone else in the respect mentioned.

e.g. I enjoy pleasure as much as thenext person…我和别人一样愉快。e.g. I’m as ambitious as thenext man. I’d like to manage at the very highest level.我和别人一样雄心勃勃,想进入最高管理层。

9.接下来(我)所知道的;出乎意料的是You can saythe next thing Iknew to suggest that a new situation which you are describing was surprising because it happened very suddenly.

e.g. I had leaned over to pick up some change, and thenext thing I knew I felt this terrible pain in my ankle.我俯身去拿那些零钱,接下来就突然感到脚踝剧痛。

10.紧靠…旁边;在…近旁;贴近If one thing isnext to another thing, it is at the other side of it.

e.g. She sat downnext to him on the sofa.她紧挨着他在沙发上坐下了。e.g. …at the southern end of the Gaza Stripnext to the Egyptian border…在紧靠埃及边境的加沙地带南端

11.居于…之后;次于You usenext to in order to give the most important aspect of something when comparing it with another aspect.

e.g. Her children were the number two priority in her lifenext to her career…对她而言,孩子们的重要性仅次于她的事业。e.g. Next to the expense of cashiers, pricing items is one of the costliest labor costs of grocery retailers.对食品杂货零售商来说,给货物贴价签也是劳动力成本中最为昂贵的一个部分,仅次于雇佣收银员的费用。

12.(用于否定词前)几乎,差不多You usenext to before a negative, or a word that suggests something negative, to mean almost, but not completely.

e.g. Johnson still knewnext to nothing about tobacco…约翰逊仍然对烟草几乎一无所知。e.g. Most pre-prepared weight loss products arenext to useless.大多数预制减肥产品几乎都没有什么功效。


If I miss this train I’ll catch the next one.


Let’s pass on to the next item on the agenda.


The next best thing would be to tell him the truth.


She’s in the room next door to her parents.


There was a burst of laughter in the next room.


Next, there was the matter of her clothes.


They wrangled over what to do next.


Next, the wheat is ground into flour at the mill.


What will you do next?



用作形容词(adj.)用作定语~+ n.We may go out next Sunday, but that depends.我们可能下星期天郊游,但那要看情况而定。The man has been designated by the President as the next Secretary of State.那人已被总统任命为下任国务卿。He announced the next singer in the show.他介绍下一位演出的歌手。He is eyeing a run for the Senate next year.他正在考虑明年竞选参议员。I advise you to be very careful over the next several weeks, old Sanders is gunning for you.我劝你今后几周里要特别小心,老桑德斯正在伺机害你。Something will happen during the next decade.下个十年将发生一些事。She conditioned her acceptance of the gift on his coming to dinner next evening.她以他第二天来吃晚饭作为接受礼品的条件。He contrasted his son with the boy next door.他将他的儿子与隔壁的男孩比较。His reply is next door to a refusal.他的回答相当于拒绝。The next house to ours is a mile away.离我们家最近的下一栋房子在一英里以外。The next meeting will convene on coming Sunday at the same place.下次会议将于本星期日在同一地点举行。Let’s take the next train.我们乘下一班火车吧。Raising the output of steel to 12,000,000 tons is our next objective.我们下一个目标是把钢产量提高到1200万吨。What’s our next move?我们下一步怎么做?The next two chapters deal with music.下面两章是谈音乐的。用作副词(adv.)What are you going to do next?然后你要干什么?When shall we meet next?下一次我们什么时候见面?John arrived first and Jane came next.约翰先到了,简次之。


When a Fox is very much troubled with Fleas, he goes into the next pool.


Music was borne in from the next room.

出自:E. Waugh

Perched on a stool next to her is her friend Barbara.



adj.(形容词)next用作形容词可指位置、时间顺序上紧挨着。用于时间时,表示的是以现在为标准,则其前不加the,意思是“下(年、月、日)等”; 如果与特定时间有联系,其前要加the。表示顺序时,意为“下一个,紧接着的”,其前一定要加the。






nexus、Newton、NEXTLP、NEXTPP、Nextel、next to、nextbit、Next.、next day、Next Hop、next row、next bus


上一篇 2023年8月12日
下一篇 2023年8月12日


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